On Friday morning, a suicide bomber hit the vehicle of Wing Commander of Ghazi angers in Qayyumabad area
of Karachi.On Thursday too, terrorists targeted a police bus that claimed the
lives of 13 policemen and left 55 others injured. Tehreek-e-Taliban
Pakistan (TTP) proudly claimed responsibility of the
attack. Shahid Ullah Shahid explained that the attack was a
revenge from the law-enforcement agencies of TTP`s people. “Attacks will
continue until a ceasefire is announced”, he made it
clear to all. It should also be kept in
mind that the attack at the police took place after the statement of the Prime
Minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif in which
he said that Taliban ensured that they would take action against the
other militant groups who were involved in the recent attacks in Pakistan.
However, despite the quite strange situation in which
the peace-talks and terrorist attacks are going hand in hand, our religious and
political leaders are still supporting the negotiations with
TTP? JUI-S` Moulana Sami-ul-Haq is on the top of
the list of such people. He is truly performing the role
of a guardian or teacher (Ustad) of
Taliban. He, like the other members of both committees, is trying his
best to convince the nation in favor
of the negotiations with “Our Pakistani Muslim brothers”
(Taliban) arguing that it is the only option left to avoid terrorism
in the country. In fact, he has truly turned out to be the real
torch bearer of talks instead of war.
However, last month,
Mufti Usman Yar Khan, the Secretary
General of Jamiat Ulema Isalam (Sami-ul Haq group), was killed in Karachi. The JUI-S leadership
including Moulana Samiual Haq strongly condemned the killing and
demanded the government to bring the killers to justice. Not
only this, but also
they gave the strike call against the incident that clearly
indicated how much pain or grief they felt on the killing.
Here, the question is, why
did Moulana Samiul Haq not advise his party to go
for a peace talk with the killers as with Taliban?How
strange it is that on the murder of one person (Moualana Usman Yar), JUI-S made the demand
to bring the culprits to justice, but on the murders of more
than 50,000 people, it is preaching for the need of peace
talks with killers (Taliban)?Perhaps, either the blood of
JUI-S` leader is more important than the ones of over 50,000 common Pakistani Muslims
or possibly the killer of Usman Yar has never been the
“student” of
Molana Samiul-Haq in Madrasa-e-Haqqaniya at Akora Khatak. What else
should it be called, if not double standard?
Unfortunately, this is not the first time the common people
of the country are facing such discrimination by the hands
of religious parties. For decades, our establishment and
the religious parties have been misusing their sentiments in the
name of Islam.Whenever there was any sort of dispute
between the Muslims and the non-Muslims in
any part of the world, they poked their nose by calling it
our own war. They held rallies, processions and sit-ins in order to show protest on
it. Not only this, they did not hesitate to declare “Jehad” (holy
war) as obligatory onto the Pakistani Muslims. Palestine,
Chechnya, Afghanistan and Kashmir are the most relevant examples in this
context.Thousands of people, especially young-men were brain-washed and
transported in order to help out “Our Muslim brothers”abroad.
All these protests and the declaration
of “Jehad” were against the oppression on
the Muslims who were outside Pakistan. But, unfortunately,
as far as the Taliban`s oppression on the Pakistani Muslims is concerned, there is no
protest, no rallies, no sit-ins and no declaration
of “Jehad” against the TTP terrorists.
5th of February is an official holiday in
Pakistan. This holiday is commonly known as the Kashmir Day that
Pakistan observes every year in order to express its allegiance with
the people of occupied Kashmir. In this context, we cannot ignore the fact
that these were the religious parties especially including Jamat-e-Islami which had been calling
strikes on 5th of February every year to highlight
the oppression on Kashmiris by the Indian Army. 5th February
strikes were so frequently called in the country without
any break that the government of Pakistan, led
by Nawaz Sharif, made this as a
national strike day named“Kashmir Day”.
But, pity the Pakistani nation,
which, despite having lost thousands of lives in the
TTP`s terrorist attacks, is still waiting for any protests
rallies, processions or sit-ins on the oppression of Taliban nor have they seen
any especial day declared by the government to express
solidarity with the victims and also to condemn the TTP`s killers.
Similarly, Pakistan lost
its bigger part in 1971 after the military operation in the former East
Pakistan. The Justice Hamud-ur-Rehman Commission
report raised very serious questions on the role of the military
operations in former East Pakistan. The question is, did any of the
religious scholars or political parties ask the Pakistan
army for cease fire against “Our own Pakistani Muslim
brothers (Bengali Muslims)? Did they ever express so much seriousness and perform
efforts for any peace-talks with the Muslims of East Pakistan like
the ones for pleading the case of Taliban?
Truly speaking, if they had
struggled in the same way, we would be having the united Pakistan now. But,
very unfortunately, not speaking of asking the government or army to stop its
war there,even armed groups
were formed by Jamat-e-Islami in the name of Al-shams
and Al-Badar which were sent there to fight war on
behalf of the West Pakistan. However, now, instead of forming and
sending their armed groups against Taliban terrorists in order to
provide protection to the common people, our religious
leaders are giving “sleeping pills” to the
nation arguing it is not our war, and that Taliban are our own
Muslim brothers?? What the hypocrisy it is with the people of
Pakistan? Why has the Pakistani nation been left in lurch alone for
becoming the victim of terrorism?
The world knows
that after the 911 attacks, USA made very aggressive
decision and announced to conduct preemptive attacks anywhere in the world
in order to counter the upcoming terrorist attacks. Although it
was a very controversial decision, yet the American government stood
by it for the sake of protecting its people. But, unfortunately,
in our country, instead of making preemptive attacks, apparently TTP and
its sub-groups have been let loose to target whoever they want
and however in our big cities.
One of
the most important aspects of the prevailing scenario is that
Taliban term their terrorist attacks as reaction or revenge of the killings
of their members whether in drone attacks or by law-enforcement
agencies. Though it is surely an inhuman act, yet
it shows the commitment and loyalty of terrorists to their
people. But, how unfortunate the Pakistani victims are who have still
failed to witness such commitment and loyalty from their
government as well as the security forces against the mass killers of the
Taking into account all these bitter facts, can we expect anything
positive from the so-called “peace-talks” with TTP in
the scenario where most of the stake holders directly or indirectly want an
agreement or pact with Taliban any cost? When logically no, then who would speak
for grievances of the common people who are not only the victims, but also
disagree to the Taliban`s philosophy of Islam? Who would plead their
case? Is there anyone in the country who has enough courage to dare to
resist against all that? Although MQM`s chief Altaf Hussain, despite
the much pressure on him and his party, has been raising his voice against
all that on behalf of the people, but if the level of pressure is
increased more against him, will there be anyone else who
can play this bold role and resist against handing over
Pakistan to TTP? At least I do not find any. May God save the
helpless people of Pakistan!
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