The Brains


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Is There Any Justification Of Violation of Human Rights??


MQM Co-ordination committee not only condemned the custodial killings of its workers, but also appealed to the Prime Minister and Chief Justice of Supreme Court of Pakistan to take notice of this brutality by the Police and Rangers in Karachi. According to MQM, Mummad Adil was its 10th worker who was arrested by the law-enforcement agencies and then extra-judicially tortured to death. Not only this, about 45 already arrested MQM`s members are still missing as law-enforcement agencies claim that they do not know anything about them. The question is, can such brutality ever be allowed against any one in any case?

As per the universally accepted laws, an accused is assumed to be innocent unless and until proved guilty in the court of law. Even in the case where an accused is proved guilty in the court, one cannot be deprived of his fundamental rights. The United Nations General Assembly Resolution 45/111 presents a major guiding document with respect to the treatment of prisoners. It states, “All prisoners shall be treated with inherent dignity and be valued as human beings”. According to the clause of Universal Declaration of Human Rights that objects the use of torture or any sort of violence upon a prisoner, “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment”. Similarly, the UN Covenant on Civil and Political Rights says, “All persons deprived of their liberty shall be treated with humanity and with respect for the inherent dignity of the human person”. On top of it, Islam considers torture and inhuman treatment with the prisoners as completely against its principles.

Taking into account all these principles, rules and relevant laws, it becomes very clear that not speaking of an accused, even the convicted persons/prisoners cannot be tortured at all. Unfortunately, the Pakistani law-enforcement agencies defend their acts arguing that there were some charges against the victims. But, the question is, are only allegations sufficient to treat any one worse than a criminal? Are supporting proofs not required to prove these charges against them??

Responding on the MQM`s grievances, the IG Sindh Police Nadeem Baloch said, “It is necessary to produce supporting proofs BEFORE leveling any allegation on Police”. Legally speaking, he has spoken very rightly. But, the question is, should the Police not have produced concrete proofs and evidences before arresting, torturing and killing MQM`s workers????? Isn`t it an obvious hypocrisy that for MQM workers, being suspect or having any allegations are enough to arrested and brutally killed.
However, when it comes to the law-enforcement agencies, proofs must be there before even pointing out to them?? Does this double standard itself not prove their racism against the Karachi-ites? Will such an ethnically-targeted victimization in Karachi by under the supervision of federal and provincial governments result in love or brotherhood in the country? At least, I do not think so!       


  1. After reading your blog Mr. Akaber now I totally agree with Rabita Committee allegation rather factually labeling Karachi Police Racist and Corrupt form top to toe.

  2. what is justification of bhatta and bori culture ur totally ignorant

    1. The similar question is put to the people like you by the Constitution of Pakistan that, "What is the justification to set up the courts in Pakistan when the racists have to extra-judicially torture and kill the accused belonging to other ethnic community without proving them as culprits"?
