The Brains


Friday, October 20, 2017


The facts about the separation of East Pakistan in 1971 bring to this to light that the establishment of the West Pakistan was racially against the Benaglis and, thus, was not ready to accept them as equal citizens of the country. The army operation and the mass killings of the Bengali Muslims were result of the same hatred.
On top of all, criminal silence of the people of West Pakistan pushed the Beganlis to the wall and they found no option, but to seek help from India to get rid of their genocide.   
Taking into account what is going on in urban Sindh especially in Karachi, does it not seem that that the same Pakistani establishment is implementing its same policy against MQM and Muhajirs that it did against the Bengali Muslims in 1971? 

Needless to mention that Altaf Hussain founded MQM so as to raise voice over the indiscrimination and the victimization that the Urdu speaking community had been facing for decades. He demanded justice and equal rights like the other Pakistanis.

However, instead of addressing the Muhajirs` grievances, the state sponsored militant groups were let loose to commit bloodshed of the victimized community. Hundreds of Muhajirs were killed by the terrorists just in few hours. 
The massacres of Aligarh, Qasba colony, 30th September 1988 Hyderabad, Pacca Qila are few examples of the same. In Liyari, dozens of Urdu speaking men were abducted, brutally tortured, slaughtered and cut into pieces. Even their body parts were bagged and gifted to MQM with hand-written messages saying, “Enough? Or Want more (dead bodies)?

Not only this, even fierce operations were launched in Karachi not to bring the killers of Muhajirs to justice, but to forcefully curb the already oppressed community and their politically representing party. Over 20,000 people were killed in the name of restoring peace in the city. Further, dozens went missing after arrest, hundreds were extra-judicially killed and thousands are still in custody merely over the crime of seeking their fundamental rights along with Altaf Hussain.

But, no one from any corner of the country came to help them. We did witness that PTI and its leader Imran Khan strongly condemned the deaths of Taliban terrorists in US-led drone attacks and also blocked the NATO supply to Afghanistan in protest. But, they did not utter a single word over the mass killings of Muhajirs. It was a kind of support to the evilly-planned genocide in Karachi.

Similarly, instead of expressing solidarity with Muhajirs and to raise voice against the oppression on them, almost all the Pakistani political and religious parties fully supported the law-enforcement agencies and their biased officers who played active roles in the victimization.

Thousands of banners, posters and hoardings were put up all over Karachi thanking the Army and Rangers for having launched the crackdown against MQM-the only representative party of Muhajirs. It was nothing else, but the height of hatred for the Urdu speaking community in Pakistan. 
Question is, Can the decades-long victimization anyhow be termed as “act of an individual”? If, for instance, it is really so, why do the rest of the people not come forward to stop that insane “individual”?
Why do they glorify him for having done the job which is a disaster for a community?? Is this kind of hatred not giving Muahjirs a loud and clear message that no one is ready to accept them in Pakistan? Will such a negative message ever result in ethnic harmony and unity that Pakistan badly needs to survive? I don`t think so! 

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