The Brains


Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Deliberate Act of Instigating Violence In Karachi!

Despite the serious threats of terrorist attacks especially on 9th and 10th Muharram-ul-Haram, these days passed peacefully except the tragic incident in Rawalpindi in which about 10 people were killed and nearing 56 injured. Whether the violence broke out due to the alleged misuse of the loudspeaker from the Mosque or it was someone of the procession whose any act initiated the tension or perhaps there was a mix of both. The unpleasant event definitely gave a very bad message to the world about the religious and sectarian harmony in Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

However, it was a surprise to see the Pakistani media building a wall against the on-going sectarian violence by not letting the violence scenes on air. It became very careful while telecasting any news regarding the incident of Rawalpindi. Though the incident took place immediately after the Friday prayers, it took quite long to first release any news about it. This was, perhaps, the first time especially after the “freedom” of the Pakistani media that, despite a very hot news piece, there was neither any breaking news nor a live coverage of a high rating incident in the country.

Not only that, even in the prime time talk shows at in the evening, the anchorpersons were taking every possible care to talk about the incident. They did not want to use a word or a sentence that might intensify the already present tension in the affected areas. In this context, they were not using the word “violence” or “clash”. Instead, they were saying” Whatever happened…….”.More importantly, they neither took the rival parties/groups live on their shows in order to take their stance, nor did they disclose the sectarian affiliation of the people allegedly involved in the violence. They preferred letting it be decided by the relevant authorities, i.e., the police and the courts. The main purpose of all these activities was to try to put out this fire.
Considering the previously prevailing sensitive situation in the country, this was the ever required role from the media. Logically, when even the business entities, whose prime objective is to earn profit, have their social responsibilities, why not the electronic and the print media? So, it was definitely a very sensible role that the media played about the situation of Rawalpindi.

However, my question, as a Karachi-ite is, did the Pakistani media ever display such responsibility on any unpleasant incident occurred in Karachi? Did the electronic as well as the print media ever make a “blackout” of any incident of violence in order to nib the tension in the bud? Unfortunately not at all!Rather, it has been a customary that the news channels ensure their live coverage with commentary on any event of violence whether it is an act of target killing, murder attempt, clash or a suicide attack. The especial coverage to Zulfiqar Mirza`s press conference at Karachi press club and then the extremely irritating and ethnically based speech at the dinner of Shahi Syed is one of the examples of the same.They did not care at all that their irresponsible act can easily provoke other people to negatively react to it. Honestly speaking, when the media`s role regarding the Rawalpindi incident can be termed as responsible for the sake of keeping the people united, should that not be construed as a deliberate act of instigating violence in Karachi??

Someone claimed that it was theGHQ who asked the media not to telecast news relating to the Rawalpindi incident so that the law & order could be kept under control.Though it was questionable if the GHQ had any right to control the media, but considering the good purpose, it can be ignored. However, once again the question arises, why did the GHQ not ever direct the media to be careful while reporting any unpleasant event in Karachi so as to control the violence? Unfortunately, not speaking of doing that, even the Police, Rangers and Army officials themselves become a party to the incident and issue political statements against a specific party.
Similarly, the provincial as well as the federal administration did not waste any time, taking into account the worsening situation, to call the Army and impose curfew in Rawalpindi. However, the Karachi-ites keep getting killed by way of target killings, ethnic cleansing or the attack at their colonies, but neither the Army was called, nor was the curfew imposed in order to provide shelter to them.  

The way the violence was handled by all the relevant elements including the media, government, Army as well as the political analysts, it is sufficient to make the people of Karachi to open their eyes that how the suspiciously created violence in Karachi is deliberately allowed to spread. The question is, will the Supreme Court not take any notice of the decades` prevailing conspiracy of viciously instigating violence in the city? Will it not ask the relevant authorities why they do not handle Karachi`s law & order as they dealt with Rawalpindi? If there is still silence over the evil policy against Karachi-ites, it will surely be the act of backing the culprits that will not be pardoned by God….Insha Allah 


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