The Brains


Friday, January 31, 2014

The Under-Pressure Murder Investigation!

Pakistani media gave special coverage to a report telecast by BBC in its program News knight on the murder investigation of MQM`s leader Dr. Imran Farooq seemed to be targeting Mr. Altaf Hussain. In fact, this report was prepared by BBC`s Owen Bennett-Jones, thus, it has nothing to do with the official stance of either the London Police or the Scotland Yard on the investigation. In the recent past, Owen Bennett Jones prepared a similar report, also aired by BBC2, that was also portraying MQM and its Chief Altaf Hussain as being behind the murder of Dr. Imran Farooq directly or indirectly.

It has been claimed in the News Knight`s report that the Metropolitan Police London has ordered to cease several bank accounts of MQM and have launched an investigation on the tax evasion charges. Apparently, it does not seem to be logical that at first the accounts have been ceased and then charges (if any) are being investigated. Such a step is taken generally after the investigation has proved the crime of tax evasion. Further, unless this claim is endorsed by the SLY or London Police, it cannot be believed so easily.

It was also claimed in the report that the British Crown Prosecution Service has officially asked Pakistani authorities to trace two suspects believed to have been involved in the 2010 murder of Imran Farooq. The sentence “Two suspects believed to have been involved in the murder” clearly shows that it is not confirmed that the named two men are really involved in the murder. Then, why to malign them in this way? Moreover, if the two-men are traced and that their DNA is not matched, then will BBC be ashamed of its false propaganda?
The report mentioned one more interesting point in it. It stated, “The documents, obtained by News Knight from official sources in Pakistan, suggest Mohsin Ali Syed and Mohammed Kashif Khan Kamran secured UK visas on the basis of being granted admission to the London Academy of Management Sciences (LAMS), in east London.”

The point to be noticed here is how and why did the News Night or Owen benne Jones obtain those documents from the official sources of Pakistan? Previously, the media including the BBC itself was giving news about the two young men arrested by the Pakistani police at the Karachi airport who were allegedly involved in the Dr. Imran Farooq`s murder. The media also reported that the British authorities asked the Pakistani government to hand over them to the British, but the political government did not respond positively.
So, now, if Muhammad Kashif and Mohsin Ali are the same men and the Pakistani officials wanted to assist in the investigation, why did they not share such an important information with the SLY or London Police, but to the Owen Bennet Jones? Is he the concerned person for conveying this sort of information?

More importantly, after the documentary have been aired and reported by the other media, the Karachi Police Chief Shahid Hayat said “We do not have any arrest record of Dr. Imran Farooq murder suspects namely Mohsin Ali Syed and Mohmmad Kashif Kamran”. Similarly, the spokesman of the Pakistani foreign office (Ms. Tasneem Aslam) also denied knowledge of any kind of request from the Britain's Crown Prosecution Service.

Now, will neutral people not ask that how it is possible that the “Pakistani officials” disclosed the information about the alleged two suspects to Owen Bennet Jones, but they kept it secret it from the Karachi Police Chief as well as the foreign office? Secondly, if the Karachi police did not arrest them from the Karachi airport, who arrested them if the report about their arrest it really true? Logically speaking, after the official versions from the Scotland Yard, Pakistani foreign office and especially from the Karachi Police Chief, the Owen Bennet`s report in News Knight has also all of its reliability. On top of it, when the investigating agency (SLY) itself does not, as per its rules and regulations, share its investigation unless one has been formally charge, how the hell can anyone claim to get trust worthy information?

Honestly, when a crime takes place, the investigating agencies start their investigation with open mind and try to gather relevant and concrete evidences that can help them in the case. By the time, they arrive at their destination, i.e., culprit, they have already collected undeniable concrete evidences that leave no option for the criminal, but to confess the crime. In other words, not the investigators, but their obtained proofs and evidences speak loudly. However, in the murder investigation of Dr. Imran Farooq, no matter whether there are any proofs or not, the investigating agencies open their mouths or not, but the media and MQM`s rivals are making a lot of noise.    
Legally, considering the aspirations of the Altaf Hussain`s deadly enemies, for the on-going investigation to target Mr. Altaf Hussain, the following stages are essentially required by the Scotland Yard/London Police to be completed:

1-The murderer must be identified
2-He needs to be arrested
3-It is legally indispensable that the arrested killer must claim that he did not kill Dr. Imran Farooq because of his own personal, political, ethnic, sectarian, religious reason, but purely on the order of someone else.
4-Moreover, that “someone”, must be Altaf Hussain, and
5- Finally, the SLY must have sufficient and concrete evidences to fix the charge on Altaf Hussain.

But, not speaking of arriving at the last (5th) stage of the investigation, the investigation has not completed even the first stage, i.e., indentifying the killer. The sketch of the alleged murderer of Dr. Imran Farooq issued three years ago, has yet not been converted into a real photo of the killer. This obviously indicates the level of progress of the investigation. Further, if Mohsin Ali and Kashif had really been identified as the suspects or the main culprits, not Owen Bennet, but the Scot Land Yard or Met Police themselves had made official announcement about it.

According to the media, the last official statement issued by the London Police (MET) on the murder investigation was on 24th of January, 2014. In that statement, London Metropolitan Police announced a reward of ₤ 20,000 for those who would provide any kind of assistance in the murder case of Dr Imran Farooq.
Now, suppose, following the disinformation from the MQM`s rivals, if the SLY of MET police books Mr. Altaf Hussain and presents the case in the British court and the Judge asks the Police to produce the supporting proof and evidences against him, can they say, “For this, we have already appealed to the people to provide supporting assistance and we have also announced a reward for this”?? Can`t we imagine what would be reaction on the judge then?
Not only this, in the same press release, the London Police also stated that the case was being investigated from different angles to bring the culprits to justice. The question is, if, according to the anti-MQM people, the murder investigation has, after gathering very important proofs and evidences, got very close to Altaf Hussain, then why is the London Police still investigating the case from different angles instead of only one, i.e., MQM? The official stance of the Police clearly indicates that it has not yet come into the position to focus only one angle.
What emanates from all these facts, is that there are definitely some people pertaining to the media as well the politics (both inside and outside Pakistan), who want the MQM`s Chief to be booked in the murder case of Dr. Imran Farooq. These people have been trying, from the beginning, to directly or indirectly influence the on-going investigation. Whoever killed Dr. Imran Farooq for whatsoever reason, they want to target MQM`s leader. But, will the investigation and the investigating agencies be influenced by such evil-tactics, the time will reveal it.

1 comment:


    British and Jews (yahoodi) Lobby want Imran Khan to take over Karachi’s control, but while MQM and Altaf Hussain’s supporters are here Imran Khan or anyone cannot take over the control of Karachi by Hook n Crook, so this is why the conspiracy is made against Altaf Bhai to malign him and to involve him in any offence and put him into the prison to assassinate his character before the people of Pakistan and specially before the people and supporters of MQM in Karachi, and forcibly stop Altaf Hussain and his party to continue his political struggle in Karachi and Pakistan and to make room for Zani Khan to take over the control by filling the space politically.

    But the people of Karachi will show the British Govt., British Media, Jewish Lobby, PTI & Zani Khan that they are living in a fools’ paradise and none of their conspiracy will get success, and in the result of failure Zani Khan will also loose whatever he got so far, so stop playing dirty game and play a fair politics like a brave man and acquire whatever people of Karachi will give you in charity of Altaf Hussain..

