The Brains


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Should We Not Review Our Polices?

The Pakistani nation is celebrating its 66th independence day. The programs from the television channels and the especial editions printed by the news papers are representing the same. The political as well as the military administration gave the statements and the speeches regarding this occasion. The common message from all these was very clear, i.e., the people of Pakistan must realize the importance of the independence and to be united.
The question is, can people be united only on through empty statements that they have been hearing for decades? 
For decades, the people of Urban Sindh have been facing very biased remarks from the politicians and other prominent people pertaining to almost every ethnic community and/or political party. Not only just the remarks, but also the resulting biased policies, they have been coming across. Quota system, attacks on their colonies, military operations, extra-judicial killings and the disrespect of their political mandate etc are just a few examples of the discrimination.
It is fact that almost every party or community may have the people with the extremist mentality. However, the most disappointing aspect of this situation is that none of the “champions” of the democracy, “preachers” of Islam and the “Philosophers” of the two-nation theory ever raised their voice against the open violation of the norms of the democracy, the principles of Islam and the disgrace to the two-nation theory. Rather, they extended an indirect support to the evil mentality by expressing their complete silence on a very clear message to the Urdu speaking community.
The question is why such messages are being conveyed to an ethnic community where Pakistan is already fighting the war of its survival? Why are the Urdu speaking people being considered as only the “migrants” like Afghans who came to Pakistan for shelter? Was the Urdu speaking community not the part of the movement for Pakistan? Did it not struggle for making the dream of a separate Muslim state come true? Why do all these biased elements forget the efforts made, sacrifices given and the active role played by the Urdu speakers during the Movement of Pakistan? Was Pakistan demanded and struggled for all the Muslims of the sub-continent or only for Sindhis  Punjabis, Baluchis and Pathans of the undivided India? There have been so many biased policies towards the people of Urban Sindh and their party MQM that it looks to as if it was not All India Muslim League (AIML) that was formed in 1906 in Bengal, but All India Sindhi Punjabi Baluchi & Pathan League (AISPBPL).
For instance, if this indirect impression is true that it was really AISPBPL (All India Sindhi Punjabi Baluchi & Pathan League), then was there any reason for it to be formed in Bengal? Would the Bengalis have let anyone form this sort party for the piece of land in which they would have not been allowed to live? Logically speaking, should AISPBPL not have been formed in Larkana, Lahore, Quetta or Peshawar instead of Bengal? Moreover, would the other communities including the Bengalis, Biharis and Urdu speakers have joined in the AISPBPL anyhow?
It is the part of the history that the main point behind the demand and struggle for the movement of Pakistan was “Islam” which played as a binding force to unite together all the Muslim communities living in the undivided India. It was the most prominent factor that made all the Muslim Communities as the second largest community of the undivided India. But, in the case of AISPBPL, what would have been the basis to demand for a separate piece of land for these four ethnic communities? Would there have been any binding force to unite the Sindhi, Punjabis, Baluchis and Pashtunes together for their cause especially bearing in mind the prevailing ethnic differences among them in the today`s Pakistan? Could these communities have got the same importance as the Muslim community before the Hindus and the British Empire in the presence of countless other ethnic communities already living in India for hundreds of years??
It is very frequently claimed that the Allama Iqbal dreamed of Pakistan while the Quaid-e-Azam made it come true. So, if Pakistan was only for four communities, did Allama Iqbal dream of this sort of ethnically based separate estate whose doors had to be closed for the other Muslim communities? Was the Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah the leader of only four ethnic communities, and not of all the Muslims of the sub-continent? More importantly, was that the two-nation or the four-ethnicity theory that brought about the creation of Pakistan?
Taking into account all these facts, can we deny the equal rights of any Muslim ethnicity of the un-divided India in Pakistan? When no, then what happened to Pakistan after its creation? Why has Pakistan been made the country of only four ethnicities instead of a separate state for the Muslims of the sub-continent? Why is All India Muslim League being portrayed as the All India Sindhi Punjabi Baluchi & Pathan League after 1947?
Israel is the country whose doors are always open for all the Jewish wherever they are and whichever country they belong to. Israel considers all the Jews as its prospective citizens just on the basis of their common religion. But, in Pakistan, instead of considering the Muslims of the world as its prospective citizens with the relation of a common religion Islam, the rulers not only closed the doors for the remaining Muslims in India in the 50`s, but even they started ill-treating the migrated Muslims (Muhajirs)???
Considering all these bitter facts, how can Pakistan have the required unity? To tell the truth, if we really want our people to be untied in order to put the country on the right track, then our rulers (political as well as the military establishment) will have to ensure the equal rights to all the communities in the country ir-respect of their ethnicity, sec, religion and the region as the Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah laid down in his speech of the 11th August, 1947. This is the only way to unite all the people as a one strong nation. However, if the on-going discrimination continues, then the future of our country seems to be very vague. May Allah save Pakistan…Aameen!

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