The Brains


Monday, August 12, 2013

Mr. Mamnoon Hussain_______Don’t Be Biased So Early!

A few days ago, the newly elected President of Pakistan Mr. Mamnon Hussain , in an exclusive interview on Dawn News said, “MQM should not oppose if the Army is used in order to restore peace in Karachi. Rather, it should support it to prove its patriotism”.
Apparently, he seems to be right. Why should any human friendly and patriotic individual or a party oppose any action against the culprits or criminal elements with help of Army? However, as far MQM is concerned, it has already cheated many times by the entire state in the name of restoring peace in the city. All the state organs including the Army, media, and judiciary were misused against MQM. As a result, MQM and its voters had to face an ethnically targeted genocide under the cover of operation clean up. In direct words, the entire state of Pakistan told the lie to MQM.  That is the reason why MQM, following a burnt child dreads fire, becomes so reluctant whenever the option of another operation in Karachi is discussed. Thus, this is the back ground of the MQM’s stand regarding the operation. Therefore, if anyone wants to neutrally comment on the MQM`s stand, he/she will need to take into account all the bitter facts first.      

Coming back to the main point, we should keep in mind that Mr. Mamnoon Hussain has become the President not of Karachi, but of the entire country. So, the question is, why did he talk about the use of Army to restore peace in Karachi only? Is Pakistan enjoying complete peace all over rest of its parts? What about the recent terrorist attacks in Gilgit Baltistan, KPK and Balochistan? Does Mamnoon Hussain have no idea of what has been going on all over the country by Taliban and Al-Qaida? Does the present government not need to use the army against these terrorists for the sake of providing security to the people? In the prevailing state of the increasing terrorism in KPK and Balochistan, should the government of Pakistan not have launched the army operation especially in these two provinces even several years ago? Why has Mamnoon Hussian sealed his lips on the “do or die” situation for the Pakistan`s writ?

This impression seems to be developing day by day that not only the Pakistani armed forces look to be unwilling to launch any operation against Taliban and Al-Quaida, but also majority of our political and religious parties are resisting any action against the terrorists. These parties obviously include Jamate-e-Islami, JUI-F, PTI and PML-N. The question is, did Mamnoon Hussian ever pass such remarks against the Taliban supporting parties? Did he ever advise them not to oppose the use of Army to restore peace in the country? Did he require from the leadership of these political and religious parties to prove their sincerity and patriotism by supporting the Army operation in their constituencies/provinces?
On top of it, does PML-N, which is also includedg those groups which are opposing any operation against the Taliban terrorists, deserve to be called a human friendly or patriotic party? Should Mr. Mamnoon Hussain consider his PML-N as a patriotic party any more in the light of his own principle? Should Mamnoon Hussain not only resign from the post of the Presidency, but also from PML-N on being ashamed of the PML-N`s support to the international terrorists? Furthermore, in the scenario where Mamnoon Hussain`s own party should be called a non-patriotic party, does he deserve to doubt the patriotism of MQM__the party which has been very clearly and boldly demanding to take stern actions against the terrorist?

Logically, Mamnoon Hussain should be ashamed of his own remarks for MQM. However, it is not so simple as it seems to be. In fact, such remarks reveal another viciously made conspiracy against MQM. These remarks can be termed as the act of fertilizing the ground for one more military operation in Karachi. Because if the government really wants to launch any operation in Karachi to bring back peace, then why did Manoon Hussain require only MQM to support the military operation? Why not PPP, ANP, ST, JI, Sindhi nationalists, TTP, PAC, Al-Quaida etc? Have all of these parties and groups announced to extend their unconditional support for the use of army in Karachi? If no, then why only MQM? Does it mean that this time too the real target of the new operation will be only MQM as in the past?

Frankly speaking, whatever the hidden intention is, it is the display of a very prejudiced mentality against MQM and its voters. It is shameful that despite the increasing the brutal killings of the common people and day by day losing the state`s writ especially in Balochistan and KPK, the political government and the establishment are once again planning to target the Karachi-ites. To tell the truth, the state should review its ongoing policies especially against MQM and divert its attention from it to the TTP and Al-Quida which have become the biggest threat to the existence of Pakistan that is the need of the hour. However, if the evil mentality harps on one string by targeting MQM, then it is surely weakening the foundation of Pakistan………..May Allah save Pakistan. 

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