The Brains


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Are Our "Muhammad Bin Qasims" Sleeping??

The question “Should the government of Pakistan still go for dialogues with Taliban?” has become the hottest topic in the country that everyone is trying to respond as per his or her understanding.
Whether they are anchor persons, political as well as religious leaders, defense analysts or the columnists, all of them are expressing their emotional views on this matter. When we analyze their arguments, it comes up very clearly that they are divided into on this issue. The proponents of the dialogue are persistently arguing that successful negotiations with Taliban are the only way to get rid of the on-going terrorism in the country. On the other hand, the opponents ask if it is wise to enter into any agreement with a banned outfit which has already killed more than thousands of Pakistani Muslims.

As per the media reports, about 55,000 people including both the security personnel and civilians have already become the victims of the terrorism from Talban. Furthermore, the terrorists have neither expressed their repentance over their evil acts, nor did they ever announce to give up their terrorism. Then, why are some people are dying for making Taliban as the legal and constitutional stake holder of Pakistan?
It is very obvious that Jamat-e-Islami, PTI, PML-N, JUI-F and many other Traditionally Taliban supporters have been defending Taliban and their vicious acts. However, it was very strange to see when a group of well-known religious scholars came up and supported the talks with Taliban. Like other Taliban supporters, they urged the Pakistan Army and Taliban not only to end the on-going “war”, but also demanded from the government Pakistan to immediately start the dialogue process.
The question is, is there really any “war” going on in the country between Taliban & the Pakistan Army as claimed by these scholars?

Practically speaking, there would hardly be any incident being reported in which a clash took place between Taliban and the Pakistan Army. Moreover, the rare cases in which any exchange of firing was reported, were most of the ones in which Taliban attacked at the Army or FC`s check posts and, consequently, the security personnel had to react in their self defense.
Otherwise, there seems to be no action from the armed forces against Taliban. Then, how can such a situation be termed as a war? Generally, an army of a country fights a war at the borders for the sake of not allowing the enemies enter their country. But, how strange it is that the enemies (Taliban terrorists) are freely roaming in the main cities of the country and killing hundreds of innocent people, but there is no presence of the Pakistani armed forces on the ground to counter them?? Then, what sort of a war it is?

During the last ten years, hundreds of tragic incidents of terrorism have been carried out by Taliban that killed thousands of common people. Most of the terrorist attacks targeted the common people not only at public places, but also in mosques, churches and graveyards. The question is, were these victims fighting any war against Taliban? Can these “Ulema” quote any single activity from the victims in which they were trying to harm their “Muslim Pakistani Brothers” due to which Taliban had to kill them through suicide attacks? When no, why did Taliban target them then?

On ground, the situation is that the relatives of the victims of terrorism are begging the rulers and security forces to protect them from the terrorist attacks. But instead of taking stern actions against the culprits, they are calling them “Our Muslim Pakistani Brothers”? The recent three consecutive terrorist attacks in one week in Peshawar resulting in the loss of 143 human lives obviously proves that the common people have been left totally on the mercy of Taliban. So, taking into account the ground reality, how can a sane person call it a war-like situation for Taliban from the Pakistani security personnel? Then why are our “Ulema” trying to misguide the people? However, if they persist to term the questionable silence of the armed forces against Taliban as a “war”, then why should they not also declare the on-going targeted operations in Karachi as a “world war” between the law-enforcement agencies and the criminals??

By the way, is what Taliban have been doing in Pakistan for last ten years, not terrorism in the light of the Islamic principles? Can these “Ulema” explain if Islam anyhow permits any Muslim group to kill innocent men, women and children? Can they quote any single example from the era of the last Prophet (PBUH) in which a Muslim Jihadi group was allowed to kill not only the Muslims, but also the non-Muslims especially in the mosques, churches and graveyards like in Pakistan? Further, if Taliban are not involved in terrorism, then are they fighting their war by reciting the sacred verses onto the Pakistan army?

Pakistan lost its bigger part in 1971 after the military operation in the former East Pakistan. As per the Justice Hamud-ur-Rehman Commission report, the army personnel and officers committed war-crimes against the common Bengali men and women. The question is, did any of the religious scholars or political party ever demand the Pakistan army to halt its war against the Bengalis? Not speaking of asking the government or army to stop its war there, they themselves formed their own militant groups like Al-shams and Al-Baddar and sent them there to participate in the on-going war against the Bengali Muslims. But now, instead of forming and sending their militant groups against Taliban terrorists in order to provide security to the common people, the same religious parties are asking the government and armed forces not to take any action against the terrorists?
Honestly speaking, when an individual or a group of people tries to defend the crimes of his/its acquaintances just on the basis of their common sect, ethnicity or religion, it is an expected ill-deed in a society like ours. However, when the people whose prime responsibility is to speak the truth so as to differentiate between right and wrong, also start getting negatively affected by their sect, ethnicity or religion, then that society eventually faces the disaster. Who else will help out the under-oppression common Pakistanis when almost all the relevant stake holders are defending the terrorists? 

In the past, whenever there is any sort of oppression on the Muslims in any part of the world, our religious  priests and parties immediately used to give the call of Jihad for the people of Pakistan.They would try to incite the people especially the young men to become an other Muhammad Bin Qasim or Salah-uddin-Ayyoubi to help out the oppressed Muslims. However, when the Muslims of their own home land____Pakistan are badly in need of a savior, all the "Muhammad Bin Qasims" and "Salah-uddin-Ayyoubi" are having a sound sleep.

To God, whoever supports, defends or co-operates with the oppressors deliberately, will equally be considered responsible for the ill-deeds, and in the same way, when there is no one to help out the oppressed people, God Himself helps them and gives exemplary punishments to the oppressors and his co-operators. May God soon help out the victims of the collective terrorism in Pakistan so that no other innocent person can lose 17 or 18 members of his family once again….Aameen

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