The Brains


Monday, September 16, 2013

Declan Walsh___________Bin Laden of Journalism!

The column-cum-report of Declan Walsh published in the NewYork Times left the impression as if it was not written by a journalist belonged to an internationally recognized magazine, but by an ethnic or political rival of Altaf Hussain. Allegations and criticism on Altaf Hussain and on his party MQM are not new at all. Ever since Mr. Husain formed his party in Pakistan, all these evils acts have become a customary.
Currently, Altaf Hussain`s traditional rivals are using one point to criticize him and his party, i.e., the murder investigation of the MQM`s Convener Dr. Imran Farooq. 

Like other ordinary minded people, Declan Walsh has also claimed that on the basis of the investigation, Scot Land Yard is approaching very close to Altaf Hussain. The question is, has SLY ever officially issued a statement that the investigation is about to be finalized and leading to Altaf Hussain? If Mr.Walsh is not spreading disinformation against MQM`s leader, can he produce any evidence in this context?
Respecting the aspirations of the Altaf Hussain`s deadly enemies, for the still on-going murder investigation to target Altaf Hussain, the following stages are essentially required by the Scot Land Yard to complete:
1-The murderer must be identified
2-The murderer needs to be arrested
3-It is legally indispensable that the killer must claim that he did not kill Dr. Imran Farooq because of his personal, political, ethnic, sectarian, religious rivalry, but purely on the order of someone else.
4-Moreover, that “someone”, must be Altaf Hussain, and
5- Finally, the SLY must have sufficient and concrete evidences to fix the charge on Altaf Hussain.

But, to tell the truth, not speaking of arriving at the last stage of the investigation to book Mr. Hussain, even the SLY`s investigation has not completed the first stage, i.e., indentifying the murderer. The sketch of the alleged murderer of Dr. Imran Farooq issued three years ago by the SLY has not been converted into a real photo of the killer. That obviously indicates the SLY`s progress in the murder investigation. Consequently, how can Walsh deserve to make such a claim? Does this not indicate that he is trying to malign MQM and their leaderbvg? If the writer still stands by his claim, can he produce the real photo of the alleged killer that must have been officially issued by the SLY so that the whole world can come to know who killed Dr. Imran Farooq? But, if he fails to do that, has he not told a lie?   

Regarding the alleged involvement of MQM in the violence in Karachi, the history of Pakistan is full of the oppressions that various politicians and the parties had to face through the state machineries especially including the Police, ISI, IB, MI, FIA and the NAB. In fact, there would hardly be a single politician or a religious leader in the Pakistani politics who had not become the victim of the political victimization just because of having a difference of opinion with the people in power. 
At the time of signing the Charter Of Democracy (COD) in the All Parties Conference held in 2007 in Dubai, all the political and religious parties including specially PML-N and PPP (the former rulers of Pakistan) not only accepted what had done against each other, but also mutually agreed not to repeat their “mistakes” of the 90`s. The COD was truly representative of what the rulers had been doing against their political rivals in the past. In a talk show, the PML-N`s very prominent leader and recently elected MNA Khwaja Saad Rafique clarified his party`s position in respect of past`s political victimization saying, “PML-N has now come out of the politics of  (the dark age) of the 90`s”. 
In such a situation, how can an impartial analyst consider the cases registered against the political rivals who had been on the hit list of these rulers during the “dark age” of 90`s as genuine??

However, the “dark age” of the Pakistani politics was not confined only to the 90`s. In 2007, not only the media, but also the Pakistani judiciary revealed that they had been enslaved by the political as well the military rulers for the last 60 years (i.e., since 1947). The in-service judges including the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pakistan himself announced not to repeat their mistakes saying, “Now, the judiciary will never co-operate with the military dictators in their illegal and unconstitutional acts”. After this publicly announced confession, a movement for independence of Judiciary was launched headed by the CJP Iftekhar Choudhry.
Perhaps, Pakistan would be the only country of the world in the 20th century whose almost all state pillars were claiming to have been enslaved not by the outside forces, but through the internal forces.

It was the same “dark age” of the 90`s in which a military operation was launched against MQM in the name of operation clean up by the same political as well as military rulers. It should also be kept in mind that all of the cases against the MQM`s Quaid were registered when he was in London, i.e., in his absence. When he went for London for his medical treatment, there was not a single case against him. According to the most interesting case against him, in 1995, he, along with his some workers, opened fired at the police, burnt a vehicle at Jamshed Quarter, an area of Karachi, and ran away into the narrow streets of the area. The question is, how did Mr. Hussain commit a crime in Karachi, when he was in UK? Does this not reveal the absurdity present in the cases against him?

Truly speaking, the sources of all the allegations and the resulted cases registered against MQM and its leader Mr. Altaf Hussain are the investigation reports prepared by the Pakistani law-enforcement agencies. The credibility of all these so called “investigation reports” can easily be assessed by one most important and detailed report submitted to the Supreme Court of Pakistan by the head of the paramilitary force targeting MQM.    
The DG Rangers, Major General Rizwan Akhtar submitted a report to the Supreme Court on the law & order of Karachi in which he claimed that about 19,000 containers had gone missing a few years ago and that a shipload of arms and ammunition of NATO had been brought to Karachi and their whereabouts was never ascertained. He also informed the Supreme Court headed by the CJP himself that around 19,000 shipping containers containing weapons and vehicles had gone missing during the tenure of the former minister for ports and shipping (Babar Khan Ghouri belonging to MQM).
However, the United States Embassy refuted the reports of Sindh Rangers and declared it false. The statement released from the Embassy of United States said that neither the United States nor ISAF has ever shipped weapons or ammunition via Karachi ports. ( )
This makes it very obvious that even the head of the paramilitary force (Dg Rangers) does not hesitate to prepare and submit an altogether fabricated report to the Supreme Court against MQM. Now, the question is, will the court`s judgment given against MQM and Altaf Hussain on the basis of such maliciously prepared reports even by the heads of the Pakistani agencies, not be the violation of true justice? Can any value ever be given to the allegations and the court`s judgments arising from such biased and baseless reports?
The most unfortunate aspect of this biased act is that no action has yet been taken even by the Supreme Court on the DG Rangers` blatant lie. Not speaking of taking a stern action, he has recently been given the charge of the new operation in Karachi. Considering these bitter facts, can it be expected the head of the operation, i.e., DG Rangers would conduct its operation impartially?
Would Declan Walsh still tends to believe in the reports and the claims being made by the Pakistani authorities against MQM and its leadership? If yes, does he similarly honor the decision of the Pakistani government of being expelled as persona non grata? When yes, can any importance ever be given to the report of a person about a leader of the country that has already declared him as persona non grata?    

Just like the BBC2`s investigative reporter, Declan Walsh also used the Altaf Hussain`s mischievously misquoted sentence to malign him. The question is, did he ever try to know why his Pakistani friends translated only a specific sentence spoken in a lighter mood regarding the body bag (Bori) that made the audience laugh? Why did his ”friends” not translate many of Altaf Hussain`s statements for which not only he has devoted his whole life, but also to achieve them,  thousands of his followers have already sacrificed their lives including his own elder brother and nephew??
MQM believes in the principle of “live and let live” and considers all the people living in Pakistan belonging to various religions as equal citizens of Pakistan.”
“MQM does not want the term ‘minority’ to be used for non-Muslims, rather they should be considered as equal Pakistanis and given the same opportunities.” 
“MQM is not against any ethnicity, sec or religion. Rather, it is against the corrupt feudal system in the country”
“MQM wants to remove the long prevailing corrupt and biased system and has been struggling for bringing the revolution in Pakistan so that all the people irrespective of their gender, race, sect, religion or region can have equal rights”   
Did any of the Altaf Hussain`s above-stated policy statements never appear before any of the critics? Did the critics including Walsh ever try to know what a serious commitment the Altaf Hussain`s followers have been expressing in response to these statements for the sake of achieving them?   
Regarding the amount of money allegedly recovered from Mr. Hussain`s house, what is his objection to it? Can he quote even a single relevant law or its any clause that forbids Mr. Hussain from keeping that money with him? Mr. Wash should keep this in his mind that the money that the followers of Altaf Hussain have been donating to MQM only on his appeal is thousands of times bigger than the one Walsh is quoting.  Why have the SLY, Walsh and BBC2 remained completely blind of that most priceless asset of Altaf Hussain that cannot be found in the house of any other Pakistan leaders? Why did they altogether ignore it?
In addition to all these, taking into account the state oppressions on his followers in Pakistan, yet getting enormous eventual victories with the grace of God, his followers are fully aware of why Altaf Hussain has floods of tears in eyes and when he shares his happiness with them. But, by the way, what compelled Walsh to violate the ethics and code of conducts of journalism by using extremely abusive language for Altaf Hussain?

In Pakistan, the suicide attacks have been a customary. The Taliban and Al-Quaida extremists first target their rivals and hit them through explosive materials. In this respect, they do not hesitate to sacrifice their lives. In the same way, Declan Walsh tried to hit MQM`s founder Altaf Hussain by committing a suicide attack. Unfortunately, he not only missed his target, but also very badly damaged his credibility that has put the positive image of the New York Times at his stake.

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