The Brains


Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Time To Make A Decision!

As soon as the internationally wanted terrorist and the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)`s Chief Hakeem Ullah Mehsud was killed in a US drone attack, it seems as if a national hero or a savior of the nation has been the victim of a tragic death.  Almost all the religious as well as the political parties expressed their grief over the death of TTP`s chief. To see the overwhelming condemnation and the grief-stricken feelings for him from different corner on the media, it looks as if Pakistan is observing an unannounced mourning over the killing of Hakeem Ullah Mehsud.
 The government of Pakistan strongly condemned the US drone attack killing TTP`s head. The Federal Interior Minister Ch. Nisar held an important press conference and termed the killing of Hakeem Ullah as the murder of peace in the region. He emotionally said in reference to his killing, “We inform the Taliban of sending our delegation consisting of Ulema. But, you can’t hold talks when a body is lying in your courtyard”.
The question, why could Ch. Nisar not see about 55,000 dead bodies of his innocent countrymen in the mosques, bazaars, graveyards and the sacred places of other religions??? Why did he not ever consider them in his courtyard like the Hakeem Ullah`s dead body? We know that despite a very humble invitation of negotiations from the government of Islamic Republic of Pakistan to the internationally recognized terrorist group, TTP kept killing common Pakistanis. But, not a single time the federal Interior Minister ever said to Taliban,”We can’t hold talks when a body is lying in our courtyard”.
 In addition to the PML-N`s the government, PTI`s Imran Khan also strongly criticized the drone attack on Hakem Uallah Mehsud. The grief he felt on the death of TTP`s chief was fully apparent from his facial expressions and body langue. People would have never found him in so much pain and anger over any Taliban`s suicide attacks killing even more than one hundred people in one incident of terrorism. Similarly, the reaction of Jamate-e-Islami`s Ameer Munawwar Hassan was very surprising when he declared Hakeem Ullah Mehsud as a “Martyr”, Moulana Fazal-ul-Rehman beat everyone in the race of expressing sorrow. He announced to call even a dog as a “Shaheed” (Martyr) if killed by America. The Pakistani nation would have never seen such a strong reaction for them for the common people who were killed by TTP. Perhaps for these mourners, the victims were not equivalent to even the “martyred dogs”.
Politically speaking, since it was Hakeem Ullah Mehsud`s TTP which put the 11May`s elections in the lap of PML-N, PTI, JUI-F, and JI by pushing their rivals (PPP, ANP and MQM) almost out of the electoral process, it was easily understandable why they are now feeling profound grief on the big loss to TTP. But, what about the military establishment? Why has it been meaningfully silent on this highly important matter?
The Federal Minister Ch. Nisar, in his press conference, also asked US why it hit TTP`s chief when the negotiations were about to begin with him. He further questioned, “Why did it not target him when he was travelling to Afghanistan?” No matter whether US/NATO was aware of this or not, but it is obvious that the government of Pakistan, through its agencies especially including ISI, was fully aware of the movement of Hakeem Ullah Mehsud. Then why did it not attempt to arrest him alive or dead? Was he not wanted by the government of Pakistan? Had it not killed countless army soldiers including the General Sanaullah Niyazi? Had someone else been behind all that, would the military establishment have ever afforded it on this earth?   

Truly speaking, the role of the military establishment has been very dubious as far as eradicating TTP and AL-Quaida is concerned. The nation has already faced thousands of dead bodies in the terrorist attacks by TTP, but no notable action has been witnessed from the armed forces in the recent past. If the military establishment does not take action against the TTP terrorists, would the NATO/US forces provide shelter to the common people in Pakistan? All those who call the drone attacks as the cause of terrorism in the country, should answer which of the acts deserves to be called as an act of promoting terrorism in Pakistan, the act of killing Hakeem Ullah Mehsud or allowing him to move freely to kill innocent people?

As per the media reports, the TTP`s spokesman has confirmed that Molvi Fazlullah would be the new TTP commander. It was Fazlullah who ordered the targeted killings of elders who led peace committees against the Taliban, as well as rights activists. Among the dozens of people the Taliban killed or attempted to kill during this time was Malala Yousafzai. On top of all these, he was also behind the targeted killing of the Army General Niyazi.
Taking into account all these bitter facts, would our military establishment or its strong group still considering Taliban as its “Asset”? Are the sacrifices of thousands of Pakistani citizens not sufficient to prove TTP as a terrorist and anti-Pakistan organization? It is the time for it to review its policies. Now, it should give priority to its own people. Otherwise, there has already been a clear division in the people on the issue of Taliban. If it is not resolved before long, the existence of the country is at the stake.
The people of Pakistan should also seriously monitor the entire scenario so that they can decide who is with or against them. Now, they will have to make up their minds that, come what may, they would not let innocent Pakistani be the victim of Taliban any more. Otherwise, another Hakem Ullah Mehsud, in shape of Fazalullah, is ready to target them. May God Keep the people of Pakistan safe from all the terrorists and their supporters!           

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