The Brains


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Injustice In Justice!

Some days ago, as per the media report,  when the four arrested MQM workers and supporters were produced before the Anti-terrorist court, they besought the ATC judge not to hand them over to the police on the judicial remand as they might have been tortured in order to get the desired confession, the remarks of the judge were very surprising.
The judge said to the accused, “When you have not done anything wrong, then why you are scared?” He further said, “Everyone has to face the death at its fixed time. If you are innocent, and get killed, you would directly go to the heaven. In the other case, you would be sent to the hell”. By giving these remarks, the judge handed them over to the Police on the 14 days` judicial remand.
The question is, why did the judge behave like that? Was he, as an assumed impartial judge, not supposed to consider the plea of the accused? Why did he ignore the universally accepted principle according to which an accused is assumed to be innocent unless and until proven guilty in the court of law? Moreover, was he not aware of the traditional way of “investigation” of the police in our country? Then, why did he deliberately turn down their plea? If any of them gets killed in the police custody, would he take responsibility of his extra-judicial murder?  

Recently, the government of Sindh, on the instruction of the Sindh High Court, has purchased some bullet proof vehicles for the judges in order to provide security to them. The question is, why are the judges using police and Rangers protocol including the bullet proof vehicles? What are they scared of? Don`t they know that everyone has to face the death eventually at its fixed time? When they have not done anything wrong to anyone, why are they afraid of their death? Are they not sure of going to the heaven in case of being killed? Isn`t it an obvious injustice that the judges advise the arrested people to keep believing in the justice on the Judgment day, but for themselves, they pressurize the governments to provide every possible protection for their lives??
Just a couple of days ago, another MQM worker Dilshad Ahmed died of the torture by the law-enforcement agencies. Dilshad Ahmed had been arrested by the Rangers and was brutally tortured in detention that sent him into coma and, later on, died in a hospital. The custodial killing of Dilshad Ahmed proved the concerns of the MQM`s workers that they expressed before the judge in the court, were true.  Now, who should be held responsible for this brutal murder? Does this not indicate that the lives of all the MQM workers are at very serious risk?

Frankly speaking, it is fact that this is God who would set up His real system of justice on the judgment day and would provide the true justice to everyone. The people`s fate for the heaven or hell will be decided on the basis of their intentions and the resulted acts. This is what the holly Quran and Hadice have stated. However, in spite of all these facts, the Islamic teachings have at the same time urged not only the state, but also the common Muslims to provide justice to the people in this world too. This is exactly what the all the Prophets have implemented and set examples for their followers.
Taking into account all these, can a judge ever be expected to reject a person`s plea by asking him to expect justice on the judgment day? Furthermore, if the courts of the country make their decisions on such a principle, then what is the need of any judicial system in Pakistan?? Why should it not be wrapped up? More importantly, when a person apparently believes in only the justice of God on the judgment day, then why did he become an integral part, as a judge, of the worldly system of justice??

Should the Chief Justice of Supreme Court of Pakistan not take suo moto notice of the illegal, unconstitutional and in human attitude of the said judge as well as the extra-judicial killing of one more MQM worker? If all these nonsense continues, will it anyhow help in restoring peace in the city? Why is the CJP still silent on this rubbish? According to the Last Prophet (Peace Be upon Him), God has declared the human life more important than the value even of the Kaaba (The House of God). But, the still silence of the CJP on this matter shows that he considers the value of the human life of MQM`s workers and supporters less important even than the bottle of a wine recovered from a woman (Atika Odho) at the air port.

In fact, the message is very clear that MQM and its supporting people should not expect justice from the relevant authorities and institutions. However, the prejudiced people are totally ignoring the fact that when all the doors of justice are closed for the oppressed, God Himself provides justice to the oppressed by making direct intervention. And when God begins to do His justice in Pakistan, no matter it is the Chief Minister, Prime Minister, Chief Justice or the Chief of Armed forces, all of them will have to face the negative consequences of their ill-deeds….Insha Allah!       

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