The Brains


Sunday, October 14, 2012

Where Are The Ulema-e-Haq?

The attack at the national peace award winner Malala Yousuf Zai has saddened the whole nation. Ever since the people heard this news, they have been praying to God for her. The question is, why was Malala tried to be made the victim of target killing? Going to school, and not wearing the Pashtoon traditional veil. What hurt Taliban so much that they decided to assassinate her? Was that her going to school, not wearing the traditional Pashtoon veil, winning the International Peace Award or being the symbol of peace and courage all over the world? Can any of these reasons justify her assassination in the light of the Quran and the Sunnah?  

It was quite absurd to hear Ji`s Qazi Hussain claiming that Malala was used by the pro-American people. He asked how it was possible that a 13 or 14 year old girl come in a position to consider Obama as her leader. If he raised a really valid point, would he like to explain how it was possible that even under 10-year old children were in a position to participate in the protest rallies organized by Jamat-e-Islami against every government and the America? In this way, were they not used by the JI leadership for its political interests?    

There has not been much time since the PTI`s chairman led the Amn march to Waziristan in order to protest against the drone attacks. According to IK, the terrorism in Pakistan is the result of the American operated drone attacks. The question is, was Malala also behind those drone attacks due to which she was targeted by Taliban? Can the attack at her be construed as per the teachings of Islam? Moreover, can any example of the eras of the Last Prophet (PBUH) as well as the Khulaf-e-Rashideen (RA) be quoted in the support according to which the Muslim army started attacking at their own common Muslim men, women and the children as a reaction of the attack from the non-Muslims (Kuffar)?___________ When no, why to support Taliban and their terrorist attacks on the innocent people under the veil of drone attacks?

Furthermore, if really the American drone attacks make Taliban show their reaction by targeting the Pakistani common people, the armed forces and their military installations, then what about the possibly natural reaction from the next to kin relatives of the innocent victims of the suicide attacks? When Taliban have justification for all their against-law activities due to the drone attacks, why not the victims of suicide attacks? If the blood relatives of the victims of the terrorism start reacting in the same way by targeting the people supporting Taliban, will JI, PML-N, PTI, JUI etc call such a reaction as naturally justified?____________ When no, why to defend Taliban?  

There are some political especially religious parties that try to defend Taliban by arguing that it is not for sure whether they are Taliban who claim responsibilities of the attacks by issuing confessionary statements. “It is not necessary that these are really Taliban; they might be any other group created and brought forward by the American agencies to distort the face of Islam”, these people add.
It is very common in our country especially in politics that political as well as religious parties accuse their rivals of being involved in the corruption. PML-N accuses the government for the corruption; while, PPP targets PML_N with the same intention. But, both PPP and PML_N strongly deny each other`s charges. On top of it, the PTI`s chairman Imran Khan holds almost all the political and religious parties responsible for every unpleasant thing taking place in the country. However, all of them refuse to admit such charges, and in return, malign PTI too.

The point to be noted here is that none of the blamers accepts the rebuttal or denials from others and keeps harping on one string that the rival is involved in the corrupt activities. The thing is when despite the strong rebuttal and the clear denial from the accused party cannot make it innocent or acceptable, how are Taliban being considered innocent despite their own confessionary statements? Why do PML-N, JI, PTI, JUI-F ect. give so much benefit of doubt to them? When the confessionary statements given from inside the Police custody by any rival political worker or leader can be blindly believed and be used against his party by these parties, why should Taliban not be declared terrorists on the basis of their on- record and out-of-Police custody confessions? Are they not favoring Taliban illogically? Should these elements not be considered the ones intentionally defending the Taliban`s terrorism despite the killings of the common Pakistanis?

Do the politicians, columnists, anchorperson and intellectuals condemn the suicide attacks by Taliban and Al-Quaida in the same way as they do the drone attacks? Did they organize any press conferences, protest rallies, sittings (Dharnas), hunger strikes, Amn marches and public conventions against the Taliban`s suicide attacks resulting in more than 35,000 people, as they did on the drone attacks? There are also some people who claim that Taliban are the product of America and they are being used to distort the image of Islam. If it is really true, then why are Taliban being favored? Why are Taliban linked to our peaceful religion if they are mischievously being backed by America? Why should we not get together and should collectively root out Taliban of our country?

Therefore, a clear line has to be drawn between the pro and anti-Taliban elements. The nation will have to make up their minds against the terrorists and the people justifying them. For this purpose, the righteous Muslim priests (Ulema-e-Haq) will have to come forward to counter the misconception being spread from the Ulema-e-Soo supporting Taliban. If they get more late, the nation can be misled and Pakistan may face the clashes like the ones between Catholics and the Protestants. May Allah have mercy on our country and save it from such a disaster….Aameen!        

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