The Brains


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Time To Be On The Right Side Of The Line!

Apparently, the attack at Malal Yousfzai has divided the political parties and the people clearly in two groups. The first group, comprising of the right wing parties including PML-N, PTI, JUI-F, JI etc, is defending this act it by terming it as the reaction of the American drone attacks. On the other hand, the leftist parties do not agree to this and are urging the government and the army to take action against the culprits.

The Taliban defenders argue that Taliban are showing their reaction just because of the American operated drone attacks. They try to prove the Taliban`s terrorism as justified or natural reaction. However, they have altogether failed to prove such terrorist acts as per the Quraan and Sunnah. None of them has yet been able enough to quote any single example of the era of the last Prophet (PBUH) and the Khulfa-e-Rashideen in which the Muslim army started killing their own men, women and the children as a reaction of the attacks from the non-Muslim army.

The Taliban supporting parties claim that military operations is not the solution to the prevailing terrorism. They say that instead of launching any operation, table talks with Taliban is the best way to root it out from the country. “All issues are eventually settled on the table by sitting together. Moreover, there is no guarantee that any new operation would end the terrorism or not”, they further say.  It is on record that about 13 times, the governments of Pakistan have held talks with the Taliban groups. But, not a single time, the Taliban surrendered and started following the writ of the state. As a result, Pakistan is still confronting the terrorist acts from them. So, how many times else, should it enter into talks with the extremists? Regarding the success of any new operation, would there be any guarantee that after the table talks, Taliban would stop terrorist attacks at the common people as well as the Pakistani armed forces? Can any of the ring wing leaders give surety? When no, why to oppose the operation?

Furthermore, why the importance of table talks is preached to the Pakistani government, army and the people only? Why are the same lessons not taught to Taliban also? Why does any of these parties not try to make Taliban understand that suicide attacks and slaughtering their won Muslims brothers is not the solution to any problem at all, rather table talks are the best way for this? Why are all the lessons of ethics, moralities, patience and the Muslim brotherhood quoted only to the people who themselves are the victims of the terrorism? If the extremists do not believe in these things, why should they be not treated in the way they deserve?

As per their claims, PML-N, PTI and JI appear to be the parties which strongly believe in solving their differences with enemies through table talks. But, it is very surprising to see that all of them have closed the doors of table talks or negotiations with their political rivals especially with the ones in the government. Not only that, but also they have been using extremely harsh language against them. In this regard, Shehbaz Shareef, Ch. Nisar, Imran Khan and Munawar Hassan are ready even to hang their rivals at the center of the city. The question is, where has gone their belief on table talks and negotiations now? When even the political rivals should be hanged without any judicial trials, why to have talks with the terrorists who brutally turn the living Pakistani Muslims into the pieces of dead bodies? Why to show so much love for such heartless killers? We know that PML-N has been exercising control over its law-enforcement agencies in Punjab. Thus, it is in the best position to easily implement its philosophy of table talks or negotiations while dealing with their own “Muslim” brothers. But, the increasing “Police gardi” including the police encounters and also the “performance” of the Elite force clearly indicate that the ground reality is quite opposite to their claims.   

I do not know why these parties are defending Taliban and are acting as a wall for any operation against the terrorists. Are these Taliban who have been voting and sacrificing for Nawaz Shareef, Imran Khan, Munawwar Hassan and Jamat-e-Islami for decades? Or they are the common people who are becoming the victim of the terrorism? Are Taliban more important than the innocent Pakistanis before them? How many Pakistanis else do they want to lose by defending Taliban?

These people must not forget that we have already faced the loss of about 40,000 Pakistanis Muslims because of the terrorist by Taliban. If the Taliban`s “natural reaction” will keep being defended in this way, then what about the imminent reaction from the heirs of the 40,000 people? If they also start showing their “natural reaction” in the same way by targeting Taliban and their defenders, what will happen then? When the Quraan and Sunnah can justify (according to the Taliban and their defenders) the ongoing suicide attacks even on innocent girls, how would “Sharyat” oppose the similar reaction from the victims of the suicide attacks? They had better revisit their views and join hands with the common people before it is too late. Otherwise, they should be ready for the reciprocal retaliation from the victims.  

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