The Brains


Friday, October 5, 2012

Ishq-e-Rasool Aur Hamara Rawwiya!

While addressing to a seminar, the MQM`s Quaid Mr. Altaf Husssain said, “The extremists who vandalized properties, looted bank ATMs, burnt down cinema houses, petrol pumps, foreign restaurants, police mobiles, cars and motorcycles on the “Youm-e-Ishq-e-Rasool”, sent a highly negative image of Islam throughout the world.” He further asked, “Is there any difference left between the maker of the blasphemous film and the violent protester?”

Honestly speaking, he has taken a very important issue. It is fact that whatever was portrayed by the sacrilegious film was certainly the distorted image of Islam. It was altogether in contrast to the real picture of Islam. However, the violent reaction in the name of “Ishq-e-Rasool” by the protesters, in turn, did endorse it. The protest resulted not only in damaging the public and private property, but also in the loss of about 30 innocent human lives. In fact, the negative reaction from the protesters caused a more severe damage to the image of Islam than that of the anti-Islam film itself.

It is very sad to see that the film maker expressed his hatred, bias, enmity or the misguided thoughts as per the prevailing law of freedom of expression. But, in contrast to it, the followers of the peaceful religion Islam expressed their love, respect and association with the Prophet (PBUH) by committing violent protests across Pakistan?? The question is, why did the people behave in that way and who eventually faced the negative outcomes of the protest on “Youm-e-Ishq-e-Rasool”? The film maker? Or the Muslims themselves?

There is one more aspect here that after seeing the disaster of observing the protest day, the whole burden was thrown on the shoulders of the government claiming that all this took place just because of announcing the holiday on Friday. This seems to be very illogical argument which is against the ground reality. It is on record that before the government announced the official protest day, it had already been severely criticized or maligned for not showing its condemnation toward the film.

To tell the truth, it was the pressure from the opposition and religious parties, anchorpersons, columnists and the civil society due to which the government felt compelled to declare an official holiday for proving its “Muslimhood” to the public. When this was the situation, who should be actually held responsible for the violence that day? The government or its critics? For instance, if the government had not announced the protest day despite the pressure, would all the anti-government people have accepted and appreciated that it had made a very sensible decision in order to avoid any violence distorting the image of Islam?I do not think so!

In the same way, the ANP`s federal Minister Ghulam Ahmed Bilour announced USD100,000 for the person who would kill the film maker. Many people emotionally supported him arguing that anyone trying to humiliate the Last Prophet (PBUH), should deserve the same punishment. The question is, does the Sunna allow us to do so?

Our religious scholars frequently quote the famous incident of a non-Muslim old woman who used to throw litter on the Last Prophet (PBUH) everyday when he passed by her house. We know very well that such an act was certainly the disrespect (Tauheen-e-Risalat) of our Prophet (PBUH) too. Then, why did the Last Prophet (PBUH) remain kind to her and even inquired for her health when she did not throw the garbage on him one day? Did the followers (Sahaba-e-Karaam) of Muhammad (PBUH) misbehave with her for his insult? Did they announce any amount of Dinaar or Dirham for killing the woman?

If doing so is the standard of judging love and respect of a true Muslim for the Last Prophet, why was she not killed by any “Ashiq-e-Rasool” that time? If Ghulam Ahmed Bilour had been present in that era, how much money would he have announced for assassinating the old woman? Thanks to God that she was living in the period of the Last Prophet and his true followers. Otherwise, she might not have been allowed to even think of embracing Islam before her death by any of the Pakistani “Ashiq-e-Rasool”.

All these things clearly indicate that our perception about Islam and its resulting behavior are going in contrast to the Sunnah of the Last Prophet. We look to be full of negative feelings against the non-Muslims. But the Last Prophet (PBUH) always remained kind to them due to which many of the same misled people came on the right path and accepted the teachings of Islam. This is the reason why it is claimed that Islam spread not through the sword, but by way of preaching.

Taking these unpleasant things to his heart, one said,”We, as Muslims, must morally behave in such a manner that the non-Muslims should think that when this is the character of the followers, what would be the character of their Prophet?” Yes, he is honestly right. However, by seeing the violent attitude against the sacrilegious film on “Youm-e-Ishq-e-Rasool”, what would the whole world have thought about our Prophet and his character? Positive or negative? Then, who actually brought about the real disrespect to Muhammad (PBUH)?? The non-Muslims or the Muslims themselves?

The MQM`s Quaid Mr. Altaf Hussain is very correctly making us realize that we are going in the wrong direction collectively. He is right to say that it is the time for the moderate, progressive, liberal and enlightened Muslims to break their silence for portraying the true picture of Islam before the world. Therefore, all of us will have to keep ourselves away from the extremists who have been trying to mislead the innocent Muslims. Unless the large majority of the liberal segment of the society comes forward, the wave of extremism and violence by religious extremists will continue unabated in the country. May Allah enable us to reform ourselves in the light of the Sunnah and also to struggle against the extremists to save Pakistan.….Aameen!

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