The Brains


Monday, July 8, 2013

An Other Conspiracy Against MQM?

The MQM`s Quaid Altaf Hussain speech to his followers at 90 after his resignation in respect of the Dr. Imran Farooq’s murder case sparked a hot debate in Pakistan. All the TV channels and the news papers not only gave more importance to his speech, but also started expressing their own views on this from different angles. In other words, they turned the Altaf Hussain`s speech into a golden opportunity to bash it and its leadership as much as they could.
As soon as the SLY searched AH`s house in London, almost all news papers, TV channels, anchorpersons, political analyst as well as the MQM`s political and ethnic rivals including Lord Nazir, started spreading different fabricated regarding what was searched and taken by the SLY from the AH`s house. The most important things that were allegedly discovered and taken in possession by the SLY, according to the claimants, were the diamonds, gold bricks, millions of foreign currencies and the property documents of three houses.
Here, it is important to notice that Mr. Altaf Hussain also expressed his reservation on not providing a list of the things to him that the SLY took away from his office-cum-home. The question arises here is, if all the anti-MQM media reports are really true in respect of what were recovered from AH`s house, then why did the SLY provide the detail/list of the things to the media instead of AH____who was the real owner of those?? Does this suspicious act not raise very serious questions on the impartiality of the SLY? Does this dubious act of the SLY not strengthen the alleged conspiracy that the MQM`s Quaid pointed out in his speech?
On the other hand, if the SLY did not provide any information to the media in respect of what it found and took back with it, then, it once again proves that not only the Pakistani TV channels, anchorpersons, analysts and reporters, but also the UK elected representatives are reporting and spreading completely fabricated and misleading stories about the Dr. Imran Farooq`s case just for the sake of maligning MQM and its Quaid. Coming back to the media reports, if the SLY has not “leaked” any information about what it got from the AH house, then what is the credibility of such the media reports?
However, MQM itself has made a clarification in respect of these allegations. According to Mr. Haider Abbas Rizvi, the two houses in London are registered in Altaf Hussain`s name which are the property of the party. That is why AH`s written will is also attached with the property documents, that after him, the houses would go to the possession of the party, i.e., MQM, not to any of his relatives. Mr. Haider Abbas Rizvi further has also explained that MQM is not the landlord`s party that it would have so much cash as it was reported. Therefore, all the allegations about huge of cash are completely basely.
But, the anti-MQM elements neither have proved their allegations, nor do they agree to MQM`s clarification. It is still raising questions on the source of income of cash with Mr. Hussain and the registration of the houses in his name. The question is, can the media investigate to find out any single political leader or founder of a party who has devoted his whole life to his party? Can any of the anchorpersons, political analysts, and the columnists name even a single party leader who has attached a written will with any of his property documents that after his death, the said property would not go to his blood relatives, but to his party? No, of course not! Not a single example can be presented by the anti-MQM elements in this respect.

Although President Zardari, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, PTI`s Imran Khan, JI`s Munawwar Hasan, JUI-F`s Faza-ur-Rehman, PML-Q`s Ch. Shujaat, PML-F`s Pir Pagara, ANP`s Asfandyar Wali etc all are financially well-set and belong to elite class families, yet none them has devoted his entire life to his party despite occupying the top position in the party. Rather, all of them give priority to earning money over running their party matters. In fact, they are running their parties as a part time job for contributing to their wealth. This shows the level of commitment to their own parties.
Moreover, as far as corruption and tax evasion are concerned, the Pakistani politicians are blamed to hide their legal and/or illegal sources of incomes and the resulted wealth so that they can avoid the taxes. So making the true declaration of actual assets and all the sources of incomes have always been a serious issue in our country. In this scenario, does the no source of income except the party donation, not clear Altaf Hussain`s position in this respect? Can any other politician come up with such a clean chit? But, unfortunately, devoting whole life to his party, thus having no source of income, is being made a crime for him??
To tell the truth, the Pakistani establishment, political & religious parties, media and all other pillars of the state have once again targeted MQM and its leadership linking to the Dr. Imran Farooq`s murder. But, this is not the first time at all. In fact, they have been maligning MQM ever since it came into existence. In this context, money, plan of the military establishment, ethic and political hatred, enmity and prejudice have been very important factors in motivating the media personnel for hitting MQM hard.
But, despite all these, MQM has not only always survived against these conspiracies and the consequent operations as well as the propaganda against it, but has also expanded beyond its traditional areas. This time too, all the evil minds and their intrigues will fail and also will give a new boom to MQM`s popularity….Insha Allah.

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