The Brains


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Time To Own Our People!

I was sad to see the above picture in which MQM`s Haider Abbas Rizvi with both of his hands together, having tears in the eyes, is bent on his knees before the father of the deceased officer bearer of MQM who was allegedly arrested by the law-enforcement Agencies and then his dead body was found from Gulshan-e-Hadid after one and a half month.

It has been very common that whether it is a matter of joy or sorrow, MQM`s representatives and the members of co-ordination committee do participate in them and make the people realize that they are with them. Similarly, the murder of Muhammad Asif was the occasion where MQM workers and leaders had arrived. The question is, was Mr. Haider Abbas Rizvi the chief of the Law-enforcement agencies whose prime responsibility is to ensure security of the citizen of the country? Or his party was having the ministry of Interior in Sindh which controls the Police and the Rangers? Why was he so much remorseful and apologetic? To tell the truth, he neither was the chief of the Police and Rangers nor was his party MQM having the interior ministry, it was the expression of the pain and the helplessness that he was feeling over the loss of his party worker.

The very disappointing aspect here is that when Haider Abbas Rizvi as a political leader can express so much penitence over the loss of his people, what about the reaction of the Interior Minister and the Chiefs of all the Law-enforcement Agencies whose job was to ensure security of the lives and property of the people? Were they not the people who were appointed and authorized primarily for the sake of providing protection to the people? Why have they not achieved their only task yet despite spending so many years and millions of rupees? On top of it, did the people ever witness any minister and chief of Police, Rangers or Army expressing his remorse in this way over the killings of so many people in the way as Haider Abbas Rizvi did? When no, why not? If the LEA`s do not perform their duties honestly, who else will provide security to the people?

A couple of years ago, one of the well-known Police officers Ch. Aslam was attacked at his house in Defence in which luckily he had a narrow escape. All of his family members too remained unhurt. Yet, immediately after the attack, in an interview to a TV channel, Ch. Aslam reacted in this way,
“I know very well who was behind this coward attack. I am not frightened at all. Leaving aside what the police do to the attackers, I myself will teach them a lesson that even their generations will not forget.”

These truly exposed the feelings he was having against the terrorist because of the attack in which he faced no loss.

We know very well that our country, especially Karachi has been the victim of the lawlessness for decades. Thousands of people have been lost their lives. But, not a single time, the people saw any police or Rangers officer taking the killings of common people personally to their hearts and swearing to take revenge from the terrorists. Why is this so? Are the common people inferior to the family members of the LEA`s? Not speaking of taking revenge from the terrorists, can they not even go to the doors of the victims to share their sorrow as the MQM representatives do? That is the attitude which is creating very serious misunderstanding among the people about the LEA`s. On one hand, the poor performance of the Police and the Rangers has already questioned their credibility, on the other hand, their arrogance is also turning the misunderstanding into a more dangerous feeling.

Therefore, the DG Rangers and IG/DIG Police need to review their attitudes now. They should bear in minds that ensuring the protection of the lives and property of the common people is their prime responsibility for which they were appointed in Karachi. Therefore, they will have to act according to their oath and the terms of appointment so that peace can be restored in the city and people`s hearts can be won. Otherwise, neither the people nor God would accept any excuses.

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