The Brains


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Responsibility Of Followers!

Although there have been about 39 years since Mr. Altaf Hussain emerged as a charismatic leader in the Pakistani politics, political analysts are still trying to knowingly ignore the leadership qualities that he MQM`s Quaid has. 
I do not know why they undermine the fact that APMSO (and then MQM) were not formed by the people who were well known intellectuals, rich industrialists, famous columnists, internationally recognized players, actors or the popular political leaders in 70`s. Rather, they were formed and organized by the students pertaining to the middle and lower middle class having no prominent position in the society. Moreover, APMSO was not conceived in the drawing room of a rich landlord or a retired Army General, but in the lawn of a state-owned university, i.e., university of Karachi.
The critics repeatedly claim that since APMSO & MQM were formed on ethnic basis, there was already a fertile ground available for it in this community. But, if it is the argument, then do we not find the similar “fertile” ground for any other “Pakistani” middle/lower middle class student in the form of his own “Pakistani” community which is in helpless condition and now tired of all the other politicians?   
Moreover, if it is so easy to select or elect a true leader and that if it is not difficult to form and make a party popular, then, why has it not taken place yet? Are there not those a few students of the millions studying in the universities of the country, who can make this “Chamatkar” exactly take place as done by the pioneers of APMSO and MQM? Isn`t there any lawn of a university in which that magic can happen which came up before the world from the IBA lawn of the University of Karachi in late 70`s and then 80`s?? When such a “Chamatkar” does not take place, then should we not accept the unique characteristic of the MQM`s leadership?
It is fact that this is the public who generally makes a leader popular. However, this is only one aspect. God`s direct role is also another important factor in this respect. In the early 90`s, there was a misleading thought in the minds of some people that these followers or workers were the people who made Altaf Hussain a public leader. Owing to this misconception, they reconsidered their decision and announced to make someone else their leader.
The important point is if they were really the ones who made him a leader, then, practically they had taken back their support from him. Consequently, Mr. Altaf Hussain should not have remained a popular leader anymore. But, what happened? What did the time prove? Who actually turned out to be the true leader before the people? Does it not indicate the importance of the MQM`s founder?
Another example in this regard is of our countrymen who are still in search of a sincere leadership. They seem to be even begging to God for decades just for a sincere and honest leadership. The question is, why don`t they just get together and choose one of themselves as their leader? Why have they not done that yet? What have they been waiting for? Why do they not make that selection instead of committing suicides? In fact, the people need a true leader, not a “Choudhry”. Whenever some people get together, they can easily select or elect any one of themselves as their leader. But not necessarily, the person so chosen really proves himself a real leader. He may be a true “Choudhry”, but not the true leader.

Therefore, on the occasion of the 39th anniversary of APMSO, the followers must keep this in their minds that a true leader is a gift of God for them. It is not only in the hand of people to select and make someone their true and since leader, but especially as per the will of God. Therefore, they need not only to realize the leader they have got, but must also strictly follow him in the way he wants. Otherwise, they would be in hot water, not the leader.

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