The Brains


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

MQM Ki Sincerity!

At the time when the “Sulahe-e-Hudebiya” was being signed the deniers (Kuffar) raised an objection to the name “Muhammaud-Ur-Rasool Allah” saying, “Our agreement is with Muhammad not with the prophet of God. That is our basic dispute with him. We do not accept him as the prophet of God.” Hazratr Ali (RA) informed the Last Prophet (PBUH) about it. The Last Prophet (PBUH) asked him to remove the word “Rasool Allah”. Hazrat Ali hesitated to do so having the view that it was the dispute why he left his people and came with the Last Prophet (PBUH).
At this point, it is very important to notice that as per the teachings of Islam, the Last Prophet  (PBUH) has the importance not as only one good (in fact, the best) person or human being. Rather, he is respected and followed with heart and soul especially due to the reason that he was sent to this world as the (Last) Prophet of God (Rasool Allah). To play the role of a prophet, was the basic objective owing to which he was sent to this world. Then, how could that “purpose” have been removed so easily from the agreement (Sulahe-e-Hudebiya)? In this sense, Hazrat Ali`s view was justified.
However, the Last Prophet (PBUH) removed the word “Rasool Allah” with his own hands. The purpose was to show the co-operation and sincerity on behalf of the Muslim community towards the agreement. What else could the Muslim leadership have done to show their fair intention in this respect? How else could they have proved their sincerity to the agreement with the Kuffar? Anyway, after removing the word “Rasool-Allah”, the agreement was accepted and “Sulah-e-Hudebiya” came into existence. If suppose, even after removing that very crucial objection, the Kuffar had raised any more objections, then, could it not have been revealed that their real objection was not with the word ”Rasool-Allah”, rather, they just did not want to accept the reality of the Muslims and their leadership?

It is on record that ever since MQM came into existence, it had been facing very severe criticism from almost all the political parties, intellectuals, columnists and the analysts regarding the word “Muhajir”. Especially the religious parties did their best to prove, with the help of different Quraan`s verses and the A-Hadice, that the word ”Muhajir” was ethnically based and, thus, was against the Islamic principles.
Although the word “Muhajir” was the base for this newly emerged party and its leadership had been very logically defending its identity, yet it finally decided to replace it with “Muttahida”. The important thing is when MQM leadership announced to remove the rival`s objection to its identity i.e., “Muhajir” and decided to replace it with “Muttahida”, was it not the utmost fair intention, co-operation and the sincerity that MQM was conveying towards all their traditionally rival elements? Was it not the fact that MQM emerged in the name of “Muhajir”? Wasn’t it the real base for this party? Yet, didn`t MQM sacrifice it for the sake of giving a congenial gesture to all?
However, none of its critics ever welcame it with open hearts in the main stream, nor did they appreciate the MQM’s great sacrifice at all. The question is, why not? Were these not the same politicians who had been targeting MQM and its leadership just because of the same “ethnic base”? Were they not the same “impartial” spectators and “respectful” religious leaders who were maligning MQM and demanding its leadership to remove the “ethnic” identity to be a “Muslim” party? Then, why did they not take out even a single welcoming word for MQM leadership on this great step?
It is also important to notice that due to this step from MQM, there was a possibility of facing a severe annoyance from its own community people and workers. There were definitely some people in this party who were disagreeing to this. However, they eventually followed this toughest and biggest decision only due to the respect they had for their Quaid Mr. Altaf Hussain. The thing is, how else MQM and its leadership could have expressed their sincerity and patriotism for the sake of brining unity in the country? Can anyone give an example of such a great sacrifice by any political party in the Pakistani politics?
Why didn`t any of its rivals ever welcome and appreciate its efforts for working countrywide despite all its sacrifices? Don`t these anchorpersons, columnists, intellectuals, politicians and Ulema realize the facts that almost all the other “national” political and religious parties return to their own Punjabi, Sindhi, Balouchi and Pashtoonism in case of need, while MQM is striving to unite all the communities in the country on one plat form for a revolution?
No matter, anyone accepts MQM`s existence or not, but the time has proved that MQM is alive and is spreading all over the country day by day. It is practically working in almost the districts of the four provinces. It has recently nominated its candidates from all over Pakistan for the upcoming elections 2013 who are running their campaign door to door.
Whatever sacrifices MQM has been giving for the sake of the country, are getting accumulated and it would get the best fruits in the days to come directly from God, perhaps in form the great revolution____Insha Allah!   

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