The Brains


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Apas Ki Baat_________Na Insafi Ke Sath!

According to the media report, the a well known anchorperson Mr. Najam Sethi, in his program “Apas Ki Baat”, has claimed that very soon the MQM`s Quaid Mr. Altaf Hussian would be arrested. 
The fact is, as soon as the MQM`s Dr. Imran Frooq was murdered in London, the Pakistani journalists, anchorpersons and analysts started making many claims, exclusively targeting MQM, on the basis of the investigation being carried out by the SLY and the London Police. The question is, how do the Pakistani media-men get the “progress” of the investigation of the murder day by day from London? How and why do they know about the direction and the stage of the
SYL`s investigation when no such information is officially released to the press? Importantly, if what the Pakistani journalists including Najam Sethi, have been claiming is true, then does it not reveal that the SLY and the Met Police are continuously and secretly updating them regarding the investigation? If it is really so, why are they reporting to the Pakistani journalists, but not to the direct parties (in fact, the victims) to the case, i.e., the widow of the deceased Shumaila Farooq and MQM who have lost their man? What should be construed from such a policy of the SLY and the Met police?

In the program, Najam Sethi also claimed that Mr. Ataf Hussain would definitely be arrested, but soon be released on bail as well. In fact, not speaking of formally booking anyone in the Dr. Imran Farooq`s case, the SLY has not yet declared even a single person as a prime suspect in the case. Then, logically speaking, how can it be so confidently asserted that the murder of Dr. Imran Farooq (Shaheed) was not a personal act of the killer, but the result of an order received from someone else? Can the SLY or the Met Police prove, at the present stage of the investigation, that the murder was not a personal act, but it was performed as per order of someone else behind the scene? When no, then why try to find out the alleged “real man” behind the murder? When neither the officially issued sketch of the killer resembles Mr. Altaf Hussain nor the SYL has come up with the conclusion that the crime was committed on the order of someone, allegedly Altaf Hussain, then why to point out towards only MQM and its Quaid?

Anyway, if the claim of Najam Sethi is assumed to be true, then he has not only expressed his surety of the arrest of the MQM`s Quaid, but also, at the same, his immediate release. Consequently, does the 2nd part of Najam Sethi`s prediction not logically offset the first one? If the possible arrest of Altaf Hussain shows the concreteness of the proofs and evidences against him, does his immediate release not discredit them? Najam Sethi, as an anti-MQM journalist can say, “Altaf Hussain will definitely be arrested, but soon would be released”, why can`t the MQM`s followers rephrase the same as,” If Altaf Hussain is arrested, as a result of the on-going conspiracy, he will definitely be released” based on the Najam Sethi`s prediction? In short, what is the value of the Sethi`s claim then? Taking into account all these things, does any “already decided arrest” not mean only to stigmatize the MQM`s Quaid so as not only to break the nerves of Mr. Altaf Hussain, but also to demoralize his followers?
There is one more important aspect of the Sethi`s program. Regarding the money laundering stories, (From the legal point of view, this is still to be investigated whether any activity constituting “money laundering” took place or not), he said, “No matter whether the money laundering charges are proved or not, there is so much pressure on the British government from the British media that they would definitely do “something” against him. “

The question is, can any sort of pressure from anyone on the government to divert the on-going investigation against a specific person, be appreciated especially in a civilized country like UK? When no, why is the British media doing that? Furthermore, if “something” is really done against MQM or its leadership regardless of the investigation and its final conclusion just after the pressure from the British media, can such an action be considered as credible? Will any action on the basis of the on-pressure-diverted “investigation”, not be an open violation of the fundamental rights, ethics and true justice? If really “something”, as per Najam Sethi`s claim, has already been decided by the British Government against MQM and Mr. Altaf Hussain, does this not clearly prove what Mr. ALtaf Hussain`s has been claiming in this respect? What name should be given to such a plan, if not a conspiracy?

On top of it, when d Najam Sethi is already aware of such an illegal, unethical and the vicious plan of the British government against MQM, should he, as so-called an impartial journalist, not have condemned it instead of breaking the “good news” to the anti-MQM elements? The question is what would be the mentality and the resulting character of a senior journalist-cum-anchorperson, who behaves this way just because of his personal enmity, political rivalry or ethnic hatred with MQM and its Quaid?
It is also worth noticing here is that why the British media is pressurizing its own government for illegally and unconstitutionally going against MQM? Frankly speaking, if the British media (including the BBC investigative journalist Owen Bennett Jones) has any proofs or evidences against the MQM`s Quaid, why do they not hand over the same to SLY so that, if finding them relevant, concrete and trust worthy, a legal action can be taken accordingly? But, does telecasting a “documentary” or writing a column in “The Guardian” against MQM not indicate that the purpose of doing all this is only to malign MQM and nothing else?

Moreover, the contents of the “documentary” aired on BBC2 and the column-based report published in “The Guardian” make the common people realize like they are reading the stories published in the Pakistani news papers especially “Ummat”. The British media “reports” give a sense as if their contents are based on the “Raw materials” smuggled from Pakistan. Moreover, in the especial program of “Capital Talk” from London, Lord Nazeer and Hamid Mir revealed that another report, similar to the one aired by BBC2, was about to be published in The Guardian. The question, how did they come to know in advance that another report on MQM and Altaf Hussain was going to be published? Does it not show the relationship of the anti-MQM British elements with the ones in Pakistan?

Regarding the Najam Sethi`s prediction about MQM`s future, the total failure of test tube baby, named as “Haqiqi group” to replace MQM has become the biggest stigmas on the  face of the Pakistani military establishment. Although the “Haqiqi group” was deployed in the Urban Sindh under the military cover, and Hyderabad & Karachi had been given to it as the occupied areas to rule over, yet the people of the urban altogether rejected it. So, if the evil minded people once again have a similar plan to weaken MQM, then they will have to do something more than whatever was done in the 90`s. Otherwise, MQM has already successfully  knocked them down without fighting with them and has grown stronger politically. Therefore, at least a sane analyst cannot even think of such a situation about MQM. However, if still someone, like Najam Sethi, dreams of this, then nothing better can be said in response than the following words of MQM Co-ordination committee,
اول تو غیب کا علم سوائے خدا کی ذات کے کسی کو نہیں ہے اور جو لوگ خدائی علم رکھنے کے دعویدار ہیں ان کا حشر تاریخ کے صفحات میں محفوظ ہے جہاں تک ایم کیوایم کے ختم ہونے کے دعویٰ کا تعلق ہے تو ایسا ہی دعویٰ 19جون 1992ء کو ایم کیوایم کے خلاف ریاستی آپریشن کے آغاز میں کیا گیا تھ اور بعض لوگوں نے کھل کر یہ دعوے کئے تھے کہ ایم کیوایم اور الطاف حسین کے چیپٹرز بند ہوچکے ہیں ۔ آج عوام گواہ ہیں کہ جنہوں نے یہ بلند و بانگ فرعونی دعوے کئے تھے اللہ تعالیٰ کی ذات نے ان کے اپنے چیپٹرز بند کردیئے ۔ مزید یے کہ نجم سیٹھی اپنے فرعونی دعوے کی تاریخ اور سال نوٹ کرلیں ، 2سال بعد انشاء اللہ ان کے دعوے کی حقیقت بھی عوام کے سامنے آجائے گی اور دنیا دیکھ لے گی کہ ایم کیوایم زندہ ہے اور انشاء اللہ زندہ رہے گی               

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