The Brains


Friday, November 23, 2012

Are They Scared Or They Agree?

Although it had already become an integral part of the Pakistani politics that the politicians blamed each other, however, after the successful public convention of PTI last year, this unpleasant trend took a worse form. The PTI chairman started using extremely harsh words for almost all the political parties including especially PML-N. Though all the accused made the strong rebuttals, Imran Khan did not get satisfied with them and kept repeating the same. Then, the time came when PML-N`s Kh. Asif held a press conference and put very severe allegations on the PTI chairman in respect of Shoukat Khanum Hospital. In return, Imran Khan and SKMHT altogether rejected the charges, but PML-N`s leaders have not changed its stance.

Unfortunately, this is not the case between only PTI and PML-N, almost all the political and religious parties have been maintaining the same relationship among each other. The strange aspect of this allegation exercise is that the blamer neither produce the supporting proofs nor accept the denials from the accused. 

Considering the prevailing maxim, why is the absolute immunity being given to Taliban despite their confessions? Are all these parties unaware of the fierce crimes that Taliban are committing against Pakistan and its people? Do they not really know that Taliban are trampling upon the rights of women and lashing them in public, stoning them to death in a cruel manner, targeting mosques, imam bargahs, shrine of saintly persons, and schools? 

But, when they have the knowledge of what is being done in the name of Islam by Taliban, why do they not take up the on-going vicious game in the same manner as they do against other political rivals? The terrorists are attacking the defense installations and slitting the throats of personnel of police and armed forces after declaring them infidels in a harrowing manner, yet there is a complete silence from the political leadership?? Do the confessions of the Taliban have no importance before them?

Taking into account the on-going political rifts in the country, if, for instance, President Asif Ali Zardari himself confessed to be involved in the corruption, would the PTI, PML-N, JI, JUI and different anchorpersons further require the concrete evidences before considering him a criminal? Similarly, if Imran Khan admits the charge of having been morally corrupt, and/or Shareef Brother find themselves guilty in the context of the Asghar Khan case, would there be similar silence in the country`s politics? No, of course not!

Then, why to show special respect for the terrorists who have refused to accept the constitution of Pakistan and are tarnishing its image in the world by acts of terrorism, religious extremism, violence and bloodshed in the country? Why is there the double standard of so-called democratic and revolutionary leaders? Are they scared or do they agree with the Taliban views?

Now, the political as well as the religious leaders would have to decide if they are with the people of Pakistan or are against them by backing Taliban. If they are with the people of Pakistan, they would have to stand up and speak against the extremists and their terrorism. Otherwise, their silence would be construed as the support of Taliban.

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